#14 Grow Fast, Grow Global - Building an International Website

Welcome to the fourteenth extract in my series from my book 'Grow Fast, Grow Global: 6 steps to unstoppable international growth in the digital age'. Here's an extract from chapter six, helping you to get building. 

A lot of companies get overwhelmed when they reach Step: 5 Get Building, as there seems to be so much to do. My advice is to break it down into manageable chunks and take it bit by bit. In some respect, building your international website is the most important thing you will do, because if you get this right you will have created your own steady stream of international customers. As I've said before, online search accounts for a lot of business, so you need to make sure Google is finding your website and it is serving up great content to prospective customers. Because this is such a key step, I want to give some extra advice in addition to what I have covered in Step 5: Get Building to make sure that you really nail this. 

This is the approach I would suggest you take over time, so it doesn't become totally overwhelming at the start and stop you from even getting started: 

  1. Make it fully international

  2. Replicate it for speakers of your language in different countries

  3. Make it multilingual in different languages 

  4. Localise it by adapting it for different countries

Always bear in mind when you are thinking about your customers: Which country am I targeting? Which language speakers am I targeting? 

If you can't wait and want to get your copy of Grow Fast, Grow Global to read at the weekend as paperback or Kindle, then buy online now

Happy reading!


#13 Grow Fast, Grow Global - How Fast Do You Want to Grow Globally?


#15 Grow Fast, Grow Global - Success Factors